
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

līber (1) era, erum, adj.with comp.and sup.

LIB-, free, unrestricted, unrestrained, unimpeded, unembarrassed, unshackled : ad scribendi licentiam: integro animo ac libero causam defendere, unbiassed : liberi ad causas solutique veniebant, under no obligations : vox, L.: libera Verba animi proferre, Iu.: tibi uni vexatio direptioque sociorum impunita fuit ac libera: liberum est alcui non adesse, he is free : libero, quid firmaret (abl absol .), i. e. with full power to ratify , Ta.: mandata, unlimited authority , L.: faenus, unrestricted , L.: custodia, i. e. surveillance without imprisonment , L.: in liberis custodiis haberi, S.: suffragia, the right of voting freely , Iu.: aedes, free quarters (for ambassadors in Rome), L.: lectulus, i. e. single : toga, i. e. a man's , O.: liberas fruges ferre, i. e. spontaneous , H.: agri, untaxed : neque Turno mora libera mortis, i. e. nor is he free to delay death , V.: vina, freeing from care , H.: hoc liberiores et solutiores sumus, quod, etc.: pöeta, verborum licentiā liberior. liberiores litterae: amicitia, more unrestrained : (flumina) Liberioris aquae, less impeded , O.: (Tiberinus) campo liberiore natat, more open , O.: liberrime Lolli, most frank , H.: indignatio, most outspoken , H.: ab omni sumptu, exempt : (consul) a deliciis, uninfluenced : ab observando homine perverso, i. e. from all regard for , etc.: animus a partibus rei p., S.: animus omni curā, free : animus religione, L.: (equus) liber habenis, V.: liber laborum, H.— Free, not subject, not slave : neque vendendam censes Quae liberast, T.: dis habeo gratiam Quom aliquot adfuerunt liberae (as competent to testify), T.: populus: (civitates) liberae atque inmunes, free from service , L.: Roma, Iu.: Devota morti pectora libera, i. e. delivering from servitude , H.—As subst m. : (adsentatio) ne libero quidem digna, a freeman .—As subst n. : libera meliore iure sunt quam serva, i. e. the law is on the side of freedom.—Unbridled, unchecked, free, unrestrained, licentious : adulescens, T.: sit adulescentia liberior, somewhat freer : libero mendacio abuti, L.