
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

līberō āvī, ātus, āre

1 liber, to set free, free, liberate, manumit : servos, Cs.: sese.— To free, release, extricate, deliver, acquit : vectigalīs multos ac stipendiarios liberavit, exempted from taxes : amotus terror animos liberaverat hominum, L.: ab eo: se a Venere, from his duty to Venus : me metu, T.: civitatem aere alieno, S.: servos supplicio: tenebris Hippolytum, H.: liberandi periculo, Cs.: se aere alieno, to pay a debt : aliquem culpae, L.: voti liberari, Cs.: multos ex incommodis pecuniā: eae (linguae) scalpello resectae liberarentur, would be set free : fidem, discharge a promise : promissa, cancel : nomina, settle , L.: templa liberata, cleared of buildings obstructing the view.—To absolve, acquit : Sopatrum illo crimine: liberatur Milo, non eo consilio profectus esse, of having started with the design , etc.