
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

lībertās ātis, f

1 liber, freedom, liberty, absence of restraint, permission : vitae, Cs.: dare populo eam libertatem, ut, etc.: praecidere sibi libertatem vivendi: fandi, V.: omnium rerum, L.— Civil freedom, liberty : aequa omnibus, T.: servo libertas data est: omnes homines naturā libertati studere, Cs.— Political freedom, liberty, independence : adeptā libertate quantum civitas creverit, S.: populiR.est propria libertas: in libertate permanere, Cs.: conditor Romanae libertatis, L.— The spirit of liberty, consciousness of freedom : innata: timefacta.— Freedom of speech, frankness, boldness, candor : Hoc mihi libertas, hoc pia lingua dedit, O.: ingeni, S.— License : nimia.—Person., the goddess of Liberty , C., L., O.