
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

līgnum ī, n

1 LEG-, gathered wood, firewood (only in plur.): ligna circumdare, ignem subicere: ignem ex lignis viridibus fieri iussit: ligna super foco reponens, H.—Prov.. In silvam ligna ferre, i. e. carry coals to Newcastle , H.— Timber, wood : hos lignum stabat ad usūs, i. e. to make tables , Iu.— A piece of wood, something made of wood : fisso ligno, spearshaft , V.: leges incidere ligno, a wooden table , H.: mobile, a puppet , H.: supervacuum, writing-tablet , Iu.: dolato Confisus ligno, plank , Iu.— A tree : nautis venerabile, V.: triste, H.