
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

lūceō lūxī, —, ēre

LVC-, to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter : globus lunae, V.: faces, O.: (stella) luce lucebat alienā: luceat igne rogus, O.: Rara per occultos lucebat semita calles, glimmered , V.: taedā lucebis in illā, i. e. shall burn , Iu.: lucens ad imum Usque solum lympha, transparent , O.—Impers, it is light, is day, dawns : nondum lucebat: simul atque luceret.—Fig., to shine forth, be conspicuous, be apparent, be clear, be evident : imperi splendor illis gentibus lucem adferre coepit: mea studia, quae parum antea luxerunt: virtus lucet in tenebris.

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