
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

lūxuriō āvī, ātus, āre

luxuria, to be rank, be luxuriant, abound to excess : Luxuriat sanguine humus, O.: Ut seges in pingui luxuriabit humo, O.— To wanton, sport, skip, bound, frisk : (equus) Luxurians, V.: serpens Luxuriare solet, O.— To abound in : luxuriat toris pectus, V.: Deliciis novis, O.— To swell, enlarge, grow rapidly : Membra luxuriant, O.—Fig., of style, to be luxuriant, run riot : Luxuriantia compescet, H.— To be wanton, indulge to excess, revel, run riot, be dissolute : ne luxuriarent otio animi, L.: libertate, Cu.

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