
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mancipium (mancupium) ī, n

manceps, a taking by hand, formal acceptance, taking possession, seisin, legal purchase : hoc in mancipio non dixerat, at the sale : in mancipi lege, in the contract of sale.—A possession, property, right of ownership : mancipio dare . . . accipere, give . . . take formal possession .—In the phrase, res mancipi (opp. res nec mancipi), property, the legal title to which was only transferred by formal delivery before witnesses (see mancipo): quae (res) mancipi sunt: quaero sintne ista praedia necne sint mancipi.— A slave obtained by legal transfer : mancipia, quae dominorum sunt facta nexo aut aliquo iure civili: mancipia haec ducam ad Thaïdem, T.: pecoris et mancipiorum praedae, S.: Mancipiis locuples, H.: argento parata mancipia, purchased slaves , L.: Se fore mancipio tempus in omne tuum, thy servant , O.

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