
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

manifēstus (manufēstus) adj.

manus+ FEN-, palpable, clear, plain, apparent, evident, manifest : causa: scelus: (Penates) multo manifesti lumine, V.: obsequium, H.: Nondum manifesta sibi est, understood , O.: phrenesis, Iu.: sapor indicium faciet manifestus (i. e. indicium manifestum faciet), V.: ne manifestus offensionis esset, should betray his resentment , Ta.: manifestus dissentire, evidently , Ta.—Plur n . as subst: vera ac manifesta canere, palpable things , Iu.: manifesta videre, clearly , O.—Of offences, exposed, brought to light, proved by direct evidence : scelus: peccatum. —Of offenders, convicted, caught, exposed : eos (sc. coniuratos) manufestos habere, i. e. expose , S.: rea, caught in the act , O.: Iugurtha tanti sceleris, S.: doloris, O.: coniurationis, Ta.

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