
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

manus ūs (dat.manu, Pr.), f

2 MA-, a hand : puerum in manibus gestare, T.: Vinxerat post terga manūs, V.: Caelo si tuleris manūs, H.: vas in manūs sumere: de manibus deponere, lay down : unde manum continuit? refrained , H.: hominem tibi trado de manu, ut aiunt, in manum, i. e. with great care : manum ferulae subduximus, i. e. outgrew the rod , Iu.: plenā manu, liberally : (Sextius) per manūs tractus servatur, i. e. by careful nursing , Cs.: per manūs servulae, by the assistance : traditae per manūs religiones, from hand to hand , L.: magna Iovis, might , H.: mihi veritas manum inicit, arrests.—The hand , as a symbol of nearness: ut iam in manibus nostris hostes viderentur, close upon us , Cs.: In manibus Mars ipse, at hand , V.: proelium in manibus facere, at close quarters , S.: res ad manūs vocabatur: quod Romanis ad manum domi supplementum esset, within reach , L.: servum habuit ad manum, as private secretary : aliquid paulum prae manu Dare, ready money , T.: est in manibus oratio, accessible : inter manūs sunt omnia vestras, plain and palpable , V.: iudicia mortis manu tenere, palpable proofs : manūs inter parentem Ecce, etc., close to , V.—As a symbol of occupation: habeo opus magnum in manibus, am engaged on : Naevius in manibus non est, is not read , H.: sic in manibus (inimicum) habebant, paid attentions to : agger inter manūs proferebatur, by manual labor , Cs.: inter manūs e convivio auferri, i. e. bodily : (epistulae) tuā manu, by your hand : manu sata, artificially , Cs.—As a symbol of control: Uxor quid faciat, in manu non est meā, under my control , T.: id frustra an ob rem faciam, in manu vostrā situm est, rests with you , S.: neque mihi in manu fuit, Iugurtha qualis foret, I could not determine , S.: (feminas) in manu esse parentium, virorum, subject , L.: hostem ex manibus dimitti, suffered to escape , Cs.: dum occasio in manibus esset, while they had the opportunity , L.: inimicorum in manibus mortuus est.— As a symbol of force: manibus pedibusque omnia Facturus, with might and main , T.: per manūs libertatem retinere, forcibly , S.: aequā manu discedere, a drawn battle , S.: Erymanta manu sternit, a blow , V.: ne manum quidem versuri, turn a hand : cum hoste manūs conserere, try conclusions , L.: manum committere Teucris, fight , V.: manu fortis, brave in battle , N.: urbīs manu ceperat, by force , S.: oppida capta manu, stormed , V.: Ipse manu mortem inveniam, by suicide , V.: usu manuque opinionem fallere, actual fight , Cs.: plura manu agens, compulsion , Ta.: dare manūs, give himself up , Cs.: manūs dedisse, yielded : neque ipse manūs feritate dedisset, consented , V.: manūs ad Caesarem tendere, i. e. to supplicate , Cs.: tendit ad vos virgo manūs.—As a symbol of skill: manus extrema non accessit operibus eius, finish : manus ultima coeptis Inposita, O.: Quale manūs addunt ebori decus, skilled hands , V.—Prov.: manum de tabulā, i. e. the work is finished.—A hand, handwriting, style, work, workmanship : librarii: manum suam cognovit: Artificum manūs inter se Miratur, the comparative skill , V.— A side (cf. pars): Est ad hanc manum sacellum, T.: a laevā conspicienda manu, O.—Of animals, a hand, trunk, claw : manus etiam data elephanto: uncae manūs, claws (of the Harpies), V.—In the phrase, ferreae manūs, grappling-hooks, grappling-irons : manūs ferreas atque harpagones paraverant, Cs.: in hostium navīs ferreas manūs inicere, L.— A body, band, company, host, collection, troop, corps : nova, Cs.: parva, S.: cum manu haudquaquam contemnendā, force , L.: Dolopum, V.: manum facere, copias parare: coniuratorum: bicorpor, i. e. the Centaurs : servilis, H.—Plur, labor, hands, workmen : nos aera, manūs, navalia demus, V.

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