
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

marītus adj.

mas, of marriage, matrimonial, conjugal, nuptial, marriage- : faces, O.: foedus, the conjugal tie , O.: Venus, wedded love , O.: lex, marriage-law , H.: per maritas domos, i. e. of married people , L.—As subst m., a married man, husband : novos Fiam, T.: quam optimae (mulieris): iuvenis, H.: patrius, V.: Phrygio servire marito, V.: Unico gaudens mulier marito, H.— A lover, suitor (poet.): aegram (Dido) nulli quondam flexere mariti, V.—Of animals, the male : olens, i. e. he-goat , H.: Quem pecori dixere maritum, V.

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