
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

māter (1) tris, f

2 MA-, a mother : pietas in matrem: quae matre Asteriā est, daughter of Asteria : lambere matrem, foster-mother , V.: Pilentis matres in mollibus, matrons , V.: Matres atque viri, ladies , V.: mater familias or familiae, lady of the house ; see familia.— A nurse, mother (as a title of honor): Vesta, V.: deūm, Cybele , O.: Matris Magnae sacerdos, i. e. mother of the gods, Cybele : terra, quam matrem appellamus, mother country , L.: Populonia, mother city , V.: petere antiquam matrem, O.: cupidinum, i. e. Venus , H.—Of animals, a mother, dam, parent : prohibent a matribus haedos, V.: ova adsunt ipsis cum matribus (i. e. gallinis), Iu.: simia, Iu.—Of plants, a parent, stock : plantas abscindens de corpore matrum, V.—Fig., a mother, parent, producer, nurse, cause, origin, source : philosophia mater omnium bene factorum: avaritiae mater, luxuries.

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