
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mātūrus adj.

with comp.mātūrior, and sup.mātūrissimus, or mātūrrimus, ripe, mature: poma: uva, V.: seges messi, ripe for harvesting, L.—As substn.: quod maturi erat, all the ripe (corn), L. —Ripe, mature, of age, proper, fit, seasonable, timely: virgo, H.: infans, O.: aetas, of manhood, V.: omnia matura sunt, ready to be seized, S.: animi, of ripe judgment, V.: aevi, of mature years, V.: animo et aevo, O.: tempus, seasonable: scribendi tempus maturius: mihi ad Nonas bene maturum videtur fore, just at the right time: filia matura viro, marriageable, V.: (progenies) militiae, L.: vitulus templis maturus et arae, old enough for sacrifice, Iu.—Of mature years, advanced in life: se maturum oppetere mortem: senex, H.—Of full strength: soles, V.: maturae mala nequitiae, fullgrown depravity, Iu.—That takes place early, early, speedy: hiemes, Cs.: aetas maturissima, Her.: honores, O.: iudicium, quick: robur maturrimum, Ta.: ego sum maturior illo, was there earlier, O.: Maturior vis, i. e. premature death, H.

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