
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mēns mentis, f

1 MAN-, the mind, disposition, feeling, character, heart, soul : mala, T.: conversae sunt omnium mentes, Cs.: mentis ferox, O.: mollis ad calamitates perferendas, Cs.— The conscience : adhibere testem, id est mentem suam: diri conscia facti, Iu.— The intellectual faculties, mind, understanding, intellect, reason, judgment, discernment, consideration, reflection : animos viventīs mente complecti, comprehend : mens sana in corpore sano, Iu.: mentis suae esse, in his right mind : captus mente, beside himself : mente paululum inminutā, S.: mentem amittere, lose one's mind : male tuta, H.: huic ex tempore dicenti effluit mens, his recollection vanished : quae tantā mente fiunt, intelligence : dictis adice mentem, attention , O.—In the phrase, venire in mentem, to come into mind, be thought of, occur : quotienscumque patria in mentem veniret, L.: numquam ea res tibi tam belle in mentem venire potuisset: ubi venit in mentem eius adventi, bethought himself , T.: ei venit in mentem potestatis: fac tibi legis veniat in mentem: in mentem tibi non venit quid negoti sit?: veniat in mentem, ut defenderimus, etc., L.: quid venit in mentem Callistheni, dicere, etc.? — Mind, thought, plan, purpose, intention, design : senatus unā voce ac mente restiterat: nostram nunc accipe mentem, V.: classem eā mente comparavit, ut, etc.: mentes deorum scrutari in fibris, O.: hac mente laborem ferre, H.— Spirit, boldness, courage : tua, quā arcem recepisti, L.: addere mentem, give courage , H.: demittunt mentes, lose courage , V.— Passion, impulse : dolor quod suaserit et mens, H.: Compesce mentem, H.—Person., the goddess of thought , L., C., O.

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