
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mercēs (1) ēdis, f

2 SMAR-, price, hire, pay wages, salary, fee, reward : mercedem Coëgi, T.manuum mercede inopiam tolerare, of manual labor , S.: operae: Apollonius cum mercede doceret: mercede diurnā Conductus, H.: poscere mercedes, work for hire , Iu.: pro quā mercede pavere, etc., V.— An unrighteous reward, bribe : Baebium magnā mercede parat, S.: paciscitur magnā mercede cum principibus, ut, etc., L.: a quibus mercedem accepisti: lingua adstricta mercede, tied with a bribe.—A price, reward, wages, recompense, punishment, cost, injury, detriment, stipulation, condition : mercedem lacrimarum constituere: mercedem imponere linguae, set a price on , Iu.: mercedem solvere, make payment , Iu.: non aliā bibam Mercede, condition , H.: temeritatis, punishment , L.: non sine magnā mercede, only at great cost : Hac coëant mercede suorum, i. e. at this sacrifice of their people , V.—Prov.: unā mercede duas res adsequi, kill two birds with one stone.— Rent, revenue, income, interest : praediorum: ex fundo: mercedes habitationum annuae, house-rents , Cs.: Quinas hic capiti mercedes exsecat, takes out as discount , H.

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