
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

molliō (mollībat for molliēbat, O.), īvī, ītus, īre

mollis, to make soft, make supple, soften : umor mollitur tepefactus: lanam trahendo, by spinning , O.: artūs oleo, L.: dum ferrum molliat ignis, H.: glaebas, O.: agri molliti.—Fig., to pacify, conciliate, moderate : hominem his verbis sentio mollirier, T.: lacrimae meorum me molliunt, overcome me. —To soften, moderate, mitigate, tame, restrain, check, ease, lighten : Hannibalem patientiā suā: iras, L.: poenam, O.: clivum, make the ascent easier , Cs.: verba usu: fructūs feros colendo, render milder , V.— To soften, render effeminate, make unmanly : legionem: membra, O.

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