
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mollis e, adj.with comp.and sup.

MAL-, yielding, pliant, flexible, supple, soft, tender, delicate, gentle, mild, pleasant : iuncus, V.: comae, V.: aurum, flexible , V.: tiliae, O.: flumen, Ct.: cervix, O.: commissurae: in litore molli, of soft sand , Cs.: harena, O.: castaneae, V.: mollissima vina, V.: lana, O.: arcus, unstrung , O.: feretrum, made soft by a layer of leaves , V.: mollissima cera: genae, delicate , O.: manus, O.: Zephyri, gentle , O.: Euphrates mollior undis, calmer , V.: litus, accessible , Cs.: fastigium, gentle , Cs.: clivus, V.: iugum montis, Ta.—Prov.: me molli bracchio obiurgare, i. e. with forbearance .—Fig., tender, delicate, susceptible : mollibus annis, in tender youth , O.: os, easily blushing , O.: mollissima corda, Iu.— Soft, effeminate, unmanly, weak : philosophus: Sabaei, V.: Tarentum, H.: disciplina: vita, O.: querellae, H.: mens, Cs.: sententiae: Romanos molliores facere ad paciscendum, L.: in dolore molliores: viri, given to lust , L.—Plur m . as subst: vos pellite molles, the effeminate , O.— Soft, pleasant, mild, easy, gentle : lex mollior: oratio: verba, H.: iussa, easy , V.: versus, amatory , O.: ridere mollia, smile gently , O.: pilenta, having a gentle motion , V.: mollissima fandi Tempora, most favorable , V.: hora mollior, more favorable , O.: alqd quam mollissimā viā consequi, with the utmost forbearance , L.—As subst n., softness, smoothness : molle atque facetum Vergilio adnuerunt Camenae, H.— Weak, untrustworthy : consul, L.: voluntas erga nos civium.

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