Related Words
mŏra, ae, f. [Sanscr. smar, remember; Gr. root μερ-, μαρ-; μέρμηρα, μέριμνα, care; μάρτυρ, witness; ...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
mora (1) ae, f
1 SMAR-, a delay, procrastination : comitiorum, S.: inter eas moras, S.: rerum: moram praeceptis inferre, defer : moram ad insequendum intulit, Cs.: facere dilectui, L.: facere creditoribus, put off payment : trahere, delay , V.: moliri, cause delay , V.: moram interponere, interpose delay : mora reliquorum, delay in pursuing , Cs.: morā dies extrahens, talking against time , Cs.: Nec mora ullast, quin iam uxorem ducam, I will without delay , T.: Quosque referre mora est, would take too long , O.: Parva mora est sumpsisse, he promptly took , O.: per hunc nullast mora, on his part , T.: in me mora non erit ulla, V.: Nulla mora est, I am ready , O.: sine ullā morā negotium suscipere, at once : moram certaminis hosti exemit, i. e. hastened it on , L.: Molliri morā, with delay , i. e. gradually , O.—In speech, a stop, pause : morae respirationesque.— An obstruction, hinderance, cause of delay : ne morae meis nuptiis egomet siem, hinder , T.: ne in morā illi sis, T.: magnā fluminis morā interpositā, Cs.: restituendae Romanis Capuae mora atque impedimentum es, L.: quae tantae tenuere morae?V.: Rumpe moras, V.—In the phrase, mora temporis, an interval, lapse of time : Longa fuit medii mora temporis, O.: moram temporis quaerere dum, etc., L.
mŏra, ae, f. [Sanscr. smar, remember; Gr. root μερ-, μαρ-; μέρμηρα, μέριμνα, care; μάρτυρ, witness; ...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.