
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mox adv.

1 MAC-, soon, anon, directly, presently, by and by : mox ego huc revertor, T.: quae mox usu forent, S.: mox ut cum sicario disputo: Gn . quam mox inruimus? Thr . mane, T.: exspecto quam mox utatur: mox ubi, as soon as , L.— Soon afterwards, presently, thereupon, afterwards, then, in the next place : fugati, mox intra vallum compulsi, postremo, etc., L.: nunc . . . mox, etc.: primum . . . mox, etc., H.: ante hoc domūs pars videntur, mox rei p., Ta.: Tegmina mox . . . Mox umeri Exsistunt, now . . . again , O.

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