
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

mūtus adj.

3 MV-, dumb, mute, speechless, without speech : pecudes: agna, H.: animalia, Iu.: satius est mutum esse quam dicere, etc.— subst: grex mutorum, brutes , Iu.— Not speaking, silent, mute : mutum dices, i. e. I will not say a word , T.: Omnis pro nobis gratia muta fuit, has not spoken a word , O.: vox, silent , O.: artes, the arts of design (opp. eloquence): artes, silent arts (not famous), V.—Of place or time, silent, still : forum: tempus magis mutum a litteris, i. e. in which there was better reason for not writing : silentia noctis, deep , O.

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