
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nātūra ae, f

birth: Naturā illi pater es, T.: naturā frater, adoptione filius, L.—Nature, natural constitution, property, quality: propria natura animae: qualis esset natura montis, qui cognoscerent, misit, Cs.: tigna secundum naturam fluminis procumberent, natural course of the river, Cs.: insula naturā triquetra, i. e. in shape, Cs.: naturas apibus quas Iuppiter ipse Addidit, expediam, V. —Nature, natural disposition, inclination, bent, temper, character: fera inmanisque: prolixa beneficaque: mitis contra naturam suam esse, L.: mihi benefacere iam ex consuetudine in naturam vertit, has become natural, S.: quasi altera, a second nature: Naturam expelles furcā, tamen usque recurret, H.—The order of the world, nature, course of things: quod rerum natura non patitur: naturae satis facere, i. e. die: naturae concedere, S.— Person.: ratio a naturā data: omnis natura volt esse conservatrix sui.—The world, universe, nature: totius naturae mens atque animus.—An element, thing, substance: quinta quaedam: edax, O.—The organs of generation.

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