
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nāvālis e, adj.

navis, of ships, ship-, nautical, naval : pugnae: disciplina: castra, to protect the ships , Cs.: in classe acieque navali esse, L.: forma, the shape of a ship , O.: corona (for a naval victory), V.: navali aere columnae, of brass from the beaks of captured ships , V.: socii, seamen , L.: duumviri, for repairing and fitting out a fleet , L.—Plur n . as subst, a place for ship-building, shipyard, dock, dock-yard : de navalium opere: ubi nunc navalia sunt, L.: deripientque rates alii navalibus, V.: educta navalibus pinus, O.—Sing.(poet.): siccum, O.— A ship's furniture, tackle, rigging : navalibus, armis ad omnia parati, L.: navalia demus, V.

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