
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nectō ēxuī, xus, ere

2 NEC-, to bind, tie, fasten, join, fasten together, connect : tribus nodis ternos colores, V.: Lamiae coronam, weave , H.. sponsae laqueum, H.: flavā caput nectentur olivā, V.: bracchia, clasp , O.: comam myrto, O.—Of debtors, to detain, imprison, bind, fetter, confine : nectier (civīs) postea desitum: ita nexi soluti, cautumque in posterum, ne necterentur, L.: nexi ob aes alienum, L.—Fig., to affix, attach : ut ex alio alia nectantur.— To join, fasten together, connect, interweave : rerum causae aliae ex aliis necessitate nexae: ne cui dolus necteretur a Poeno, contrived , L.: causas inanīs, devise , V.: canoris Eloquium vocale modis, set to harmonious measures , Iu.: tecum iurgio, i. e. quarrel , O.

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