
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nefāstus adj.

I nefas, contrary to religion, irreligious, impious : iniusta nefasta dicere,

XII XII Tabb. ap. C.—As subst n . (sc. crimen), a wicked deed, abomination, profanity : quid intactum nefasti Liquimus?H.—Of days, unhallowed, unpropitious, on which courts or public assemblies must not sit : ille (Numa) nefastos dies fastosque fecit, L.: (dies) per quem tria verba silentur (i. e. on which the praetor does not utter his words of authority: do, dico, addico), O.— Unlucky, inauspicious : Ille et nefasto te posuit die, etc., H.: ne terra victoriae suae, L.

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