
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nempe conj.

nam+-pe.—In an assertion offered as indisputable, certainly, without doubt, assuredly, of course, as everybody knows : quos ego orno? Nempe eos, qui, etc.: Nempe incomposito dixi pede currere versūs Lucili, H.: Nempe omnia haec nunc verba huc redeunt denique, T.: pater est mihi nempe biformis, O.—In a question as to the meaning of something already said, I suppose, you mean, I am to understand: Da . Davus sum, non Oedipus. Si . Nempe ergo aperte vis me loqui? T.: nempe negas ad beate vivendum satis posse virtutem?—In a reply, certainly, obviously, of course: Ch . Nostin hanc? An novi, nempe opinor, T.: Pompei tertius consulatus in quibus actis constitit? Nempe in legibus.—In a concession, certainly, indeed, no doubt : nempe Vir bonus et prudens dici delector, H.: scimus nempe; haeremus nihilo minus.—Ironically, forsooth, to be sure, I suppose : at avus nobilis. Tuditanus nempe ille, etc.: nempe ruberes, Viveret si quis, etc., H.

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