
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nē-sciō īvī, —, īre,

not to know, to be ignorant: quid agam nescio, T.: de Oropo opinor, sed certum nescio: animae sit (illa vis) ignisve, nescio: nescis, Quem fugias, O.: Tu nescis id quod scis, si sapies, i. e. keep closely secret, T.: nescibam id dicere illam, T.: vincere scis, victoriā uti nescis, L.: utrum velit . . . nescitur: futura, O.—With quis or quid, I know not who, some one, somebody, a certain person, I know not what, something, some, a certain: oblatum ab nescio quo inprobo, T.: postea quam nescio quid impendit: hoc nescio quid, quod ego gessi, this trifle: quia nescio quid in philosophiā dissentiret, a little: nescio quid litterularum, a sort of letter: Laetus est nescio quid, over something, T.: casu nescio quo: nescio quid praeclarum, indefinable excellence.—With quo modo, somehow, I know not how: fit enim, nescio quo modo, ut, etc.: qui, nescio quo modo, conspirant, N.—With quando, at some time or other: me nescio quando venisse questus est.—With an, I know not whether, probably, perhaps (softening an assertion): constantiam dico? nescio an melius patientiam possim dicere, perhaps I might better say: nescio an modum excesserint, L.—Not to know, to be unacquainted with: Nescio alias, i. e. how others may act, T.: eas artīs: hiemem, V.: vinum toto nescire Decembri, i. e. abstain from, Iu.—Not to understand, to be unable: scire Latine . . . nescire: stare loco nescit (of a horse), V.: nescit vox missa reverti, cannot be unsaid, H.: irasci: Uxor invicti Iovis esse nescis, know not how to be, H.

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