
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nī adv.and conj.

I 2 NA-.

I I. Adv, not .—Only in the phrase, quid ni? (often quidni? always with subj.or ellipt.), why not? of course: Ch . hem, Clinia haec fieri videbat? Me . quid ni? T.: quid ni iste neget?—

II II. Conj., in clauses of prohibition or negative purpose, not, that not : monent . . . ni teneant cursūs, V.—As a conditional negative, if not, unless, but that, but : mirum ni domist, T.: moriar ni puto, etc.: Ni frustra augurium vani docuere parentes, V.: ni fallor (parenthet.), O.: quid ploras, pater? Mirum ni cantem; condemnatus sum, strange I don't sing , Nov. ap. C.: ni festinem, were I not in haste , V.: nec Boi detrectassent pugnam, ni fama . . . animos fregisset, L.—Esp., in covenants, stipulations, and threats: cum is sponsionem fecisset ni vir bonus esset, gave bonds to prove his good character : tum illud quod dicitur sive, nive, inrident, i. e. the forms of pleading .

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