
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nōbilis e, adj.with comp.and sup.

GNA-, that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned : frater eius, T.: rhetor: oppidum: in philosophiā: famā, Cs.: nobilior vir factis quam genere, L.: Corinthus aere, O.: propter alqd, Iu.: (puer) superare pugnis, H.: e rectis fundere gaesa rotis, Pr.— Notorious : sumptuosa, nobilis, T.: taurus.— High-born, of noble birth, noble (usu. of families from which the high offices of state had been filled): homines (opp. novi homines): nobili genere nati: Carthaginiensis, L.— Noble, excellent, superior, splendid : tres nobilissimi fundi: equae, O.: nihil erat eā picturā nobilius.

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