
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

num (1) adv.

I 1 NV-.

I I. Of time, now (correl. of tum), only in the phrase, etiam num, see etiam. —

II II. As interrog particle .

A A. Introducing a direct question, usu. expecting a negative answer, then, now (often only rendered by the interrogative form of the sentence): num videntur convenire haec nuptiis? does this look like a wedding? T.: num expectatis, dum Metellus testimonium dicat? are you waiting then for Metellus to give evidence? : num est ferendum?: num non vis audire, cur?etc., will you not, then, hear? —With -ne (rare): numne, si habuit amicos, ferre contra patriam arma debuerunt?—Followed by an : Num furis, an prudens ludis me? are you mad, or? etc., H.: num iratum timemus Iovem? . . . an ne turpiter faceret.—With quis, quid (indefinite; often written numquis, numquid): numquis hic est? nemo est, T.: num quae trepidatio? num qui tumultus?: num quid vis? have you any commands? (usu. a form of taking leave), T.—With nam , in eager or anxious questioning (old): Num nam perimus? are we ruined then? T.—

B B. In an indirect question, whether : videte, num dubitandum vobis sit, etc.: speculari, num sollicitati animi essent, L.: quaero, num permittas.

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