
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

nummus (not nūm-), ī (genplur. -mūm; rarely -mōrum, T., C., H.), m

, νοῦμμος(Doric for νόμος), a piece of money, coin, money: pauxillulum Nummorum, T.: adulterini, counterfeit: habet in nummis, ready money: iactabatur temporibus illis nummus, the value of money fluctuated: crescit amor nummi, Iu.—The Roman unit of account, a silver coin, sesterce: mille nummūm poscit, T.: quinque illa milia nummūm dare Apronio: hic erit tuus nummorum millibus octo, at the price of, H.: Denarius nummus, see denarius.—A trifle, mere nothing, penny: ad nummum convenit, to a farthing: hereditas, unde nummum nullum attigisset, touched no penny.

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