
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ob-dūcō dūxī, ductus, ere,

to draw before, draw forward, bring over: Curium, to bring forward (as a candidate): ab utroque latere collis fossam, extend, Cs.—To close over, cover over, overspread, surround, envelop: trunci obducuntur libro aut cortice: pascua iunco, V.: voltūs (of the sun), O: obducta cicatrix, a closed scar: consuetudo callum obduxit stomacho meo, has overworn.—To draw in, drink down, swallow: venenum.—Fig., to spread over: clarissimis rebus tenebras obducere, i. e. darken.—To scar over, heal, cover, conceal: obductus verbis dolor, V.: obductos rescindere luctūs, O.—To draw out, pass, spend: diem.

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