
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ob-ligō āvī, ātus, āre,

to bind up, bandage, swathe: volnus: bracchia, T.—Fig., to bind, oblige, put under obligation, make liable: eum militiae sacramento, swear in again: vadem tribus milibus aeris, bind in the sum of, L.: alquem tuā liberalitate tibi, bind to yourself: me vobis obligavit fortuna, quod, etc., L.: obligatus ei nihil eram, was under no obligation to him: Prometheus obligatus aliti, devoted, H.: obligatam redde Iovi dapem, vowed, H.: Obligor, ut tangam litora Ponti, am compelled, O.—To render liable through guilt, make guilty: anili superstitione obligari, be guilty of.— To pledge, mortgage: fortunas suas: obligata praedia: fidem meam, to pledge my word. —To impede, restrain, embarrass: iudicio obligatum esse.

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