
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ob-viam or ob viam adv.,

in the way, towards, against, to meet, in face of: obviam conabar tibi, was hurrying to meet you, T.: si obviam contra veniretur, an advance should be made, Cs.: fit obviam Clodio, meets: obviam ire hostibus, S.: Caesari obviam processisti, went out to meet: exire, Cs.: se offere, meet, T.: effundi, pour out to meet, L.: de obviam itione ita faciam.—In the phrase, obviam ire, to meet, oppose, resist, contend against: periculis, face, S.: Gracchorum actionibus, resist, S.: cupiditati hominum, oppose: irae, L.: crimini, meet the charge, L.: obviam itum fraudibus, Ta.

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