
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

orbis is, abl.orbe (rarely -bī, C.), m

a ring, circle, re-entering way, circular path, hoop, orbit: in orbem intorquere: in orbem curvat (iter) eundem, O.: digitum iusto commodus orbe teras, a ring, O.: ut in orbem consisterent, form a circle, Cs.: orbe facto se defendere, a hollow square, Cs.: orbem volventes suos increpans, L.: in orbem sese stantibus equis defendere, L.: duodecim signorum orbis, zodiac: lacteus, Milky Way: sidera suos orbes conficiunt, orbits: inmensis orbibus angues Incumbunt pelago, coils, V.—A round surface, disk, circle: mensae, round top, O.: de tot pulchris orbibus comedunt, round tables, Iu.: lucidus, disk (of the sun), V.: ictus ab orbe, quoit, O.: (hasta) per orbem cavum Transit, shield, V.—A mosaic pavement, Iu.—One side of a balance: alterno orbe, Tb.—A wheel: Unda ferratos sustinet orbes, V.: Fortunae stantis in orbe Numen, her wheel, O.—An eye-socket, eye: gemino lumen ab orbe venit, eye, O.: oculorum orbes, V.—With terrae or terrarum, the circle of the world, earth, world, universe: orbis terrae, S., C.: terrarum orbis, V.—The earth, world, universe (sc. terrae): Iuppiter totum cum spectet in orbem, O.: Si fractus inlabatur orbis, H.: Roma orbis caput, O.—A country, region, territory: Eoo dives ab orbe redit, the East, O.: Assyrius, Iu.—Fig., a circle, rotation, round, circuit: ut idem in singulos annos orbis volveretur, L.: orbis hic in re p. est conversus, the circle of political change: imperium per omnīs in orbem ibat, in rotation, L.—In time, a cycle, round, period: Annuus, V.: Triginta magnos volvendis mensibus orbīs explebit, years, V. —Of speech, a rounding off, period, cycle: quasi orbem verborum conficere: orationis.—A cycle of thought: sententiae Pyrrhonis in hunc orbem incidere non possunt: circa vilem patulumque orbem, the trite and obvious path, H.

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