
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

orīgō inis, f

orior, a beginning, commencement, source, start, descent, lineage, birth, origin : originem rerum quaerere: tyranni: principii nulla est origo, nam e principio oriuntur omnia: ab origine gentem (conripiunt morbi), V.: fontium qui celat origines Nilus, source , H.: Auctore ab illo ducis originem, are descended from , H.: Mentis malae est origo penes te, Iu.—Plur.(as a title), a work by Cato upon the early history of the Italian cities , C., N.— A race, stock, family : Ille tamen nostrā deducit origine nomen, V.: ab origine ultimā stirpis Romanae generatus, one of the oldest families , N.— An ancestor, progenitor, founder : Aeneas, Romanae stirpis origo, V.: gentis, Ta.: mundi melioris origo, creator , O.: (urbes) . . . pars originibus suis praesidio fuere, their mother-cities , S.

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