
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

orior ortus (p. fut. oritūrus), orīrī (2d pers. oreris; 3d pers. oritur; subj.usu. orerētur, orerentur), dep.

OL-, to arise, rise, stir, get up : consul oriens de nocte, L.— To rise, become visible, appear : stellae, ut quaeque oriturque caditque, O.: ortā luce, in the morning , Cs.: orto sole, at sunrise , H.— To be born, be descended, originate, receive life : pueros orientīs animari, at birth : si ipse orietur et nascetur ex sese: ex concubinā, S.: orti ab Germanis, descended , Cs.—Fig., to rise, come forth, spring, descend, grow, take origin, proceed, start, begin, originate : ut clamor oreretur, was raised , Cs.: ut magna tempestas oreretur, N.: oritur monstrum, appears , V.: quod si numquam oritur, ne occidit quidem umquam, comes into being : orientia tempora Instruit, the rising generation , H.: Rhenus oritur ex Lepontiis, takes its rise , Cs.: Rhenus Alpium vertice ortus, Ta.: prosit nostris in montibus ortas, to have grown , V.: tibi a me nullast orta iniuria, I have done you no injury , T.: ab his sermo oritur, begins with .

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