
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pāx pācis, f

PAC-, a compact, agreement, treaty, peace, treaty of peace, reconciliation : cum eis facta pax non erit pax: maritima: pro emptā pace bellum intulerunt: pacem petere, Cs.: pangere, L.: Nulla dies pacem hanc rumpet, V.: iura, bella atque paces penes paucos erant, S.—Person :, the goddess of peace, Peace , H., O., N.— Concord, tranquillity, peace, harmony : videndum est cum omnibusne pax esse possit, an, etc.: suscipienda bella, ut in pace vivatur: bello ac pace, both in war and in peace , L.: in pace, H.: in mediā pace, L.: paces bonae, i. e the blessings of peace , H.—Of the gods, grace, favor, pardon, assistance : ab Iove Opt. Max. pacem ac veniam peto: pacis deūm exposcendae causā, L.: exorat pacem divom, V.—Abl.with a possess. pron . or gen, by the good leave, by permission, with all respect to : pace quod fiat tuā, without offence to you , T.: pace horum dixerim: hoc pace dicam tuā: Claudi pace loquar, L.—As an exclamation, peace! silence! enough! : capillus passus prolixe . . . pax!T.— Dominion, empire : pacem nostram metuere, Ta.—Fig., of the mind, peace, tranquillity : pax animi, sleep , O.: mentis, O.: temperantiā pacem animis adfert.—Of things, peace, rest, quiet : flumen cum pace delabens, H.: pacem voltus habet, is tranquil , O.

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