
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

per-agō ēgī, āctus, ere,

to thrust through, pierce through, transfix: latus ense, transpierce, O.—To pass through, traverse: freta, O.: cum sol peregit Signa, O.—To disturb, trouble, agitate: Sempronium usque eo, ut, etc.: humum, till persistently, O.—Fig., to go through with, carry out, execute, finish, accomplish, complete: fabulam: concilium, Cs.: conata, Iu.: cursum, V.: iter, H.: dona, finish distributing, V.: aevum, O.: otia, live at ease, O.: facinus, Iu.—To follow to the end: reum, to prosecute to condemnation, L.: causam nullo labore.— To go through, go over, set forth, relate, describe, detail: postulata, L.: verbis auspicia, mention, L.: res pace belloque gestas, treat, L.: res tenuīs, tenui sermone peractas, delivered, H.: Omnia animo mecum, review, V.

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