
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

per-dūcō dūxī, ductus, ere,

to lead through, lead, bring, conduct, guide: filium illuc, T.: dum ad te legiones perducantur: legionem in Allobroges, Cs.: bovem ad stabula, V.—To bring, carry, lead, conduct: a lacu ad montem murum perducit, Cs.: porticum, L.—To spread over, bedaub, besmear: corpus odore ambrosiae, V.—Fig., to draw out, lengthen, prolong, continue, bring, carry, guide: res disputatione ad mediam noctem perducitur, Cs.: in noctem orationibus perductis, L.: ad tempus tuum: noctes, to spend, Pr.: (agri colendi studia) ad centesimum annum: eo rem perduxit, ut, etc., brought the matter so far, that, etc., N. —To bring over, win over, lead, persuade, induce: veteranos ad suam sententiam: eos ad se magnis pollicitationibus, gain over, Cs.: hominem ad HS LXXX, induce to pay: Perduci poterit tam frugi?be seduced, H.

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