
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

per-ferō tulī, lātus, ferre,

to bear through, bring home: lapis nec pertulit ictum, reach the mark, V.—To carry, bring, convey: Caesaris mandata ad Pompeium: epistulam, N.: Pansā mihi hunc nuntium perferente: cum ad eum fama tanti exercitūs perlata esset, had reached him, L.: perfertur circa collem clamor, resounds round the hill, L.: hinc te reginae ad limina perfer, betake yourself, V.—To convey news, announce, report, bring tidings: sermone omnium perfertur ad me, esse, etc., I am informed: nuntius perfert incensas navīs, V.: haec ab Romā in castra perlata movent Romanos, etc., L.—Fig., to bring to an end, bring about, carry through, carry out, complete, accomplish: id quod suscepi: mandata, Ta.: legem pertulit, ut, etc., had a law passed, L.: perficiam, ut possitis: perficite, ut is habeat, etc.—To bear, support, endure to the end: decem annorum poenam, N.: onus, H.: intrepidos ad fata novissima voltūs, kept, O.—To bear, suffer, put up with, brook, submit to, endure: perfer, si me amas: paupertatem, T.: frigore et fame et siti ac vigiliis perferendis: pauperiem, V.: indignitates, Cs.—To permit, suffer: cessare in tectis arma sua, Pr.: urbīs cremari, Ta.

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