
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pergō perrēxī, perrēctus, ere

per+rego, to go on, proceed, press on, hasten, continue, go forward, march, make haste : horsum, T.: eādem viā: in Macedoniam: quā pergebat, agros vastare, marched , S.: ad castra, Cs.: ad eas (virtutes) cursim perrectura beata vita: quos, si pergis, mors manet, prosecute your enterprise , L.: perge eloqui, speak out , T.: perge de Caesare, go on to speak : pergam, quo coepi, hoc iter, T.: has nuptias Perge facere, T.: ad eum ire: ipsi sententia stetit pergere ire, to march on , L.: pergunt interire lunae, H.

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