
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

per-stō stitī, statūrus, āre,

to stand firmly, continue standing, remain unmoved: diem totum, L.: in limine, Tb.: (Symplegades) inmotae perstant, O.—To remain unchanged, last, endure, abide: nihil est toto quod perstet in orbe, O.: toto anno, O.: perstet hiemps, O.—Fig., to stand fast, be firm, hold out, continue, persevere, persist: mens eadem perstat mihi, V.: Persta atque obdura, H.: si perstas indeclinatus amico, adherest fixedly, O.: negant posse, etin eo perstat: in impudentiā: in incepto, L.: in Romanā societate perstandum, L.: ad corpus ea referre: condere semen humo, O.

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