
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pertineō uī, —, ēre

per+teneo; to stretch out, reach, extend : venae in omnīs partīs corporis pertinentes: deus pertinens per naturam cuiusque rei: Belgae pertinent ad partem fluminis, Cs.— Fig., to reach, extend : eadem bonitas ad multitudinem pertinet: caritas patriae per omnes ordines pertinebat, pervaded , L.: partium sensu non satis pertinente in omnia, that which was felt in parts (of the city) not becoming everywhere known , L.— To belong, relate, pertain, be pertinent, concern, refer : quid est hoc? quo pertinet?: quorsum haec oratio pertinet?: nihil ad rem pertinere, is nothing to the point : quod ad inducias pertineret, as far as concerned , Cs.: si quid hoc ad rem pertinet, is to the point.—To apply, be applicable, suit, be suitable : quod (ius) pertineat ad omnīs: ad quem suspicio malefici pertineat, on whom suspicion should fall : ad imperatorem id pertinere prodigium, L.— To belong, be the right of : regnum Aegypti ad se pertinere.— To have a tendency, tend, lead, conduce : illud quo pertineat, videte: summa illuc pertinet, ut sciatis, etc.: ille luctus ad tui capitis periculum pertinebat, threatened your safety : ad rem pertinere visum est, eos consules esse, etc., to be useful , L.: Quorsum pertinuit stipare, etc.? what end did it serve? H.

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