
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

potēns entis (genplur. potentum, V.), adj.with comp.and sup.

P. of possum, able, mighty, strong, powerful, potent : animus, S.: familiae, L.: contra potentiorem auxili egere, Cs.: potentissimus civis: Roma opibus, O.: parvo Fabricius, i. e. with small resources , V.: in amore, i. e. fortunate , Ct.— Having power, ruling, controlling, master : dum mei potens sum, my own master , L.: sanus mentisque potens, in his right mind , O.: potentes rerum suarum atque urbis, having made themselves masters of , L.: potentes huius consili, arbiters , L.: diva Cypri, that reigns over (i. e. Venus), H.: lyrae Musa, that presides over lyric poetry , H.: irae, master of his anger , Cu.— Fit, capable, equal : regni, L.: neque pugnae, neque fugae satis potentes, unable either to fight or to flee , L.— Partaking, having attained : voti, O.: iussi, having fulfilled the command , O.— Strong, mighty, powerful, efficacious, potent, influential : fortuna in res bellicas, L.: herba ad opem, O.: nihil esse potentius auro, O.—As subst m., an aristocrat, man of influence, powerful person : res melior inopi quam potenti, L.: (consulatus) praemium semper potentioris futurus, L.

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