
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

praecordia ōrum, n

prae+cor, the muscle which parts the chest from the abdomen, midriff, diaphragm : subter praecordia: praecordia pressit senis, i. e. stopped his breath , Iu.— The entrails, stomach : anulus in praecordiis piscis inventus est: quid veneni saevit in praecordiis, H.— The breast, heart : in terrā ponunt praecordia, lay their breasts upon , O.: spiritu remanente in praecordiis, L.: frigidus coit in praecordia sanguis, V.: verax aperit praecordia Liber, H.: tacitā sudant praecordia culpā, Iu.: stolidae mentis, i. e. folly , O.