
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

praemium ī, n

prae+EM-, an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege : licebat legis praemio, by the special favor of the law : Frontis urbanae praemia, the license of city assurance , H.— A reward, recompense : praemium, haud praedam petit, Enn. ap. C.: ecquid erit praemi, reward : legibus praemia proposita sunt virtutibus: praemia mihi pro industriā data: inlicere, S.: tibi laborum praemia persolvere: proponere, offer , Cs.: consequi, obtain , Cs.: tollere, Iu.: promittens, si sibi praemio foret, se, etc., if he were rewarded , L.: te mea dextera magna inter praemia ducet, i. e. to great exploits , V.: cape praemia facti, reward (i. e. punishment), O.: Veneris, i. e. children , V.— A bribe : Ut ponenda praemia sumas, Iu.— A prize , plunder, prey, booty : ditem hostem pauperis victoris praemium esse, L.: spectat sua praemia raptor, O.: leporem et gruem, Iucunda captat praemia, game , H.: raptae virginitatis, O.

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