
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prae-texō xuī, xtus, ere,

to weave before, fringe, edge, border: Purpura praetexit amictūs, O.: litora Praetexunt puppes, V.: nationes Rheno praetexuntur, border on the Rhine, Ta.—To border, furnish, provide, adorn: primis litteris sententiae carmen omne praetexitur, i. e. the initial letters of the verses are those of the sentence: omnia lenioribus principiis natura praetexuit, has provided with, etc.: praetexta quercu domus, O.: praetexat fastigia chartae littera, i. e. be written on the margin, Tb.—Fig., to cover, cloak, conceal, disguise: hoc nomine culpam, V.—To assign as a pretext: servatam ab eo filiam, Ta.: nomina speciosa, Ta.

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