
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

probō āvī, ātus, āre

probus, to make good, esteem good, approve, esteem, commend : quis est, qui non probet: villam, L.: alqd in ipsis: Caesar maxime probat coactis navibus mare transire, Cs.: antequam civitas suffecturum (armis) probaverit, declared him capable of bearing arms , Ta.: Vercingetorigem imperatorem, Cs.: alquem iudicem.— To make good, represent as good, recommend, make acceptable, show : (libros) tibi: nostrum officium: quibus de meo celeri reditu non probabam: multis se probavit, won favor with : mihi egregie probata est oratio tua, has pleased.—To make credible, show, prove, demonstrate : iudicibus Verrem contra leges pecunias cepisse: perfacile factu esse illis probat, etc., Cs.: hoc difficile est probatu: patrio pater esse metu probor, my fatherly anxiety proves me your father , O.— To test, inspect, try, judge by trial : censores villam publicam probaverunt, accepted after inspection , L.: amicitias utilitate, O.— To represent, pass off for : alquem pro illo: pro eunucho (sc. te), pass for , T.

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