
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prō-cēdō cessī, —, ere,

to go before, go forward, advance, proceed, march on, move forward, go forth: in portum: nil procedere lintrem Sentimus, H.: pedibus aequis, O.: lente atque paulatim proceditur, Cs.: processum in aciem est, L.: huic tota obviam civitas processerat, had gone out to meet: Vidit classem procedere velis, V.—To go forth, go out, advance, issue: castris, V.: extra munitiones, Cs.: e tabernaculo in solem: mediā ab aulā, O.—To come forward, show oneself, appear: cum veste purpureā: procedat vel Numa, Iu.: Ecce processit Caesaris astrum, hath risen, V.: voces procedebant contumaces, i. e. were heard, Ta. —Fig., of time, to advance, pass, elapse: ubi plerumque noctis processit, S.: Iam dies processit, V.: dies procedens: tempus processit, Cs.: procedunt tempora tarde, O.: incipient magni procedere menses, V.: pars maior anni iam processerat, L.—To come forth, appear, arise: posteaquam philosophia processit: altera iam pagella procedit, i. e. is already begun.—To get on, advance, make progress: in philosophiā: ad virtutis habitum: longius iras, V.: eo vecordiae processit, ut, went so far in folly, S.: nec ultra minas processum est, L.: eoque ira processit, ut, etc., L.—To run on, continue, remain: cum stationes procederent, i. e. guard duty was unremitting, L.: ut iis stipendia procederent, L.: Illi procedit rerum mensura tuarum, i. e. is passed to her credit, O.—To turn out, result, succeed, prosper: processisti pulcre, you have succeeded finely, T.: si bene processit: ubi id parum processit, failed, L.: quasi ei pulcherrime priora (maledicta) processerint: omnia prospere procedent: benefacta mea rei p. procedunt, are of service, S.—Impers: velut processisset Spurio, L.

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