
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

procul adv.

pro+1 CEL-, in the distance, at a distance, away, apart, far, afar off, from afar : Delos, tam procul a nobis posita: non procul, sed hic praesentes (di): ubi turrim constitui procul viderunt, Cs.: in pelago saxum, V.: omnibus arbitris procul amotis, S.: procul este profani, keep aloof! V.: procul hinc stans, T.: a terrā: a conspectu, far out of sight : a patriā, V.: patriā: urbe, O.: locus muro, L.—Of time, far, long before : haud procul occasu solis, L.—Fig., far, distant, remote, away : absentatio procul amoveatur: errare, greatly , S.: Pauperies inmunda domūs procul absit, H.: legatos haud procul afuit quin violarent, they came near outraging , L.: haud procul esse quin Remum agnosceret, almost , L.: procul ab omni metu: eam (plebem) procul urbe haberi, out of public affairs , L.: negotiis, H.: procul dubio, without doubt , L.: istud procul abest, is far from the fact , Cu.

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