
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prōd-eō iī, itus, īre,

to go forth, come forth, come forward: pultat forīs: Anus prodit, T.: foras, to come out of doors: quae, si prodierit, audiet, shall appear as a witness: ex portu, Cs.: obviam de provinciā decedenti, come out to meet: in contionem, N.: in scaenam, appear on the stage: in proelium, Cs.: tantum prodire volando, Quantum, etc., advance on the wing, V.: utero matris dum prodeat infans, O.—Of plants, to come forth, spring up, appear: herba, O.—To stand out, project: rupes, vastum quae prodit in aequor, V.: et immodico prodibant tubere tali, O.—Fig., to come forth, come forward, appear: si haec consuetudo prodire coeperit: cum tot prodierint colores, have become the fashion, O.: Tu cum prodis ex iudice Dama Turpis, etc., turn out to be, H.—To go forward, advance, proceed. est quadam prodire tenus, H.: sumptu extra modum: ne ad extremum prodeatur.

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